Wawel International Primary and Preschool – anglojęzyczne przedszkole i szkoła podstawowa Kraków

School with an international Cambridge Program


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Wawel International School’s English-language pre-school follows the Cambridge Primary programme, designed for children aged 5 to 11. Cambridge Primary offers international teaching, developing both pupils’ skills and their knowledge in the areas of English, Maths and Science. The subjects are taught entirely in English. Cambridge Primary is fully adapted for implementation in English-speaking and bilingual schools, and is compatible with the core curriculum in the country.

In addition to the high-level subject programmes, Cambridge International also offers the Cambridge Global Perspectives programme, which enables students to develop intercultural competence and teaches investigative discovery of the world through project-based work. At Wawel International School, this programme will be delivered as a separate subject, so that students have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge they have gained in their learning activities and seek answers to their research questions on their own.

The Cambridge ICT Starters programme provides students with the opportunity to explore the information technology environment.

Wawel International School has been using the Cambridge Primary programme since kindergarten, offering international education from an early age.

Cambridge programmes are dedicated to students aged 5 to 19 and used by top international schools around the world. Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Lower Secondary, Cambridge Upper Secondary and Cambridge Advanced allow for a smooth transition between the different stages of education.