Wawel International Primary and Preschool – anglojęzyczne przedszkole i szkoła podstawowa Kraków

School with an international Cambridge Program


About us

The mission and main goal of Wawel International School is to provide students with quality education that enables each child to develop holistically.


Błonia – Wyczółkowskiego 7

A cosy location away from the hustle and bustle of the city, yet situated in the heart of Krakow provides the perfect setting for an educational facility.

The building in the immediate proximity of Krakow’s Błonia Park has been arranged as a teaching base for the Wawel International School kindergarten and primary school.


The playground and green area around the building allow children to enjoy daily outdoor play, while the proximity of Błonia and Jordan Park provides additional space for physical and cognitive activities among the city’s greenery and extensive infrastructure.