Wawel International Primary and Preschool – anglojęzyczne przedszkole i szkoła podstawowa Kraków

School with an international Cambridge Program


About us

The mission and main goal of Wawel International School is to provide students with quality education that enables each child to develop holistically.


What do we aspire to?

The mission and main goal of Wawel International School is to provide students with quality education that enables each child to develop holistically. We foster the competences of the future, in particular: independence and creativity, critical thinking, questioning and problem solving skills and teamwork. We foster a growth-oriented attitude, the acquisition of new skills and lifelong learning. We teach interdisciplinarily, showing the world as a whole.

Why is it important to us?

We nurture students’ well-being by creating a welcoming learning environment based on partnerships between all members of the school community. We build a community based on a willingness to work together and take action for the benefit of others.

How do we do it?

Our community creates a multicultural environment where students – following an international curriculum in English – open up to new perspectives. The methods we use enable students to express their own opinions, learn to cooperate with peers and adults, and solve problems creatively. We unleash the ability to think creatively, provoke reflection and dare to put question marks instead of dots.