Wawel International Primary and Preschool – anglojęzyczne przedszkole i szkoła podstawowa Kraków

School with an international Cambridge Program



If you are interested in enrolling your child in the English-speaking kindergarten of Wawel International School, we kindly ask you to fill in the form below:

enrollment form

    Upon receipt of the form, a representative of the school will contact you and send you an informational presentation, which will enable you to learn more about the kindergarten’s detailed offer. Enrollment continues throughout the year, within the limits of available places.

    Administration fee
    2020, 2021 yob
    2000 PLN
    Administration fee
    2019, 2020 yob
    1500 PLN
    Tuition fee
    2020, 2021 yob
    21 000 PLN
    Tuition fee
    2019, 2020 yob
    23 500 PLN
    Additional fees:- overnight stay trips
    - meals
    - extracurricular classes
    - books
    The tuition fee includes:- Art supplies
    - Trips/workshops 6 times a year